Liverpool, Manchester United plot a new dimension for the English Premier League.
Since the arrival of the Premier League in 1992, this will be the biggest transformation if it takes effect. This proposal driven my Manchester United and Liverpool is massive and will change the face of the English Premier League.
For three years, the two clubs have been working on a huge proposal that will bring about a radical change in both the Premier League and the EFL. It will be the biggest overhaul ever witnessed.
They are seeking for a reform that many see as power grabbing for the BIG Six. A situation in which the one club one vote rule will be abolished. A rule that has been in place in the English Premier League since it's inception in 1992.The requirement to get 14 votes for any decision or regulation to go through would also be abolished. This will now give ultimate power to the nine clubs that have been in the premier league the longest, Everton, Southampton and West Ham, including the Big Six.
This new move would give the BIG SIX bloc such as Chelsea, Manchester City, Liverpool, Tottenham etc, the powers to force through decisions Without needing the vote of the overall majority. The eleven includes Leicester City, Wolves, Aston Villa, etc there by diluting their powers. This would also reduce teams in the premier league to 18clubs, reduce Championship play offs from four to three and give Premier you teams that finished third a second chance to stay up.
Television contracts would also change with a new sharing model put in place while the community shield and EFL cup would be scraped.
According to Rick Perry, the Football League Chief, 72 EFL Clubs are already in support of it even when they know that two clubs will be pushed to the non league.
What do you think about this new policy? Is it worth taking effect or should it be discontinued?

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